The Assembling and Welding factory stands on 28,000 square meters of land and is divided into 5 parts.
1. A 6,000 square meter factory with a 5-10-ton crane for use with small products
2. A 8,000 square meter factory with a 10-20-ton crane for big products
3. A 5,000 square meter factory with a 10-40-ton, 20-meter crane for long products
4. A 3,600 square meter factory with two 40-ton cranes and two 10-ton cranes for pipe and power plant work.
5. A 9,900 square meter factory with two 50-ton cranes, four 40-ton cranes, 4 sets of 20-ton cranes, one 1,800 square meters (30x6) Shot Blast room, one 2,400 square meters (40x6) paint room for box and bridge work.
There are 13 assembling teams, each with seven to eight members of staff. All team leaders and assistants have to pass the JIS test.